Virtual Pre-Application Community Meeting 454 to 462 Cumberland Ave and 3255, 3259, 3265 New Street - This event has already occurred
Event Details
On behalf of the Owner, Weston Consulting is hosting a pre-application community meeting to discuss the proposed development at the site located at 454 to 462 Cumberland Ave. and 3255, 3259, 3265 New St.
The proposed development features a 7-storey...
On behalf of the Owner, Weston Consulting is hosting a pre-application community meeting to discuss the proposed development at the site located at 454 to 462 Cumberland Ave. and 3255, 3259, 3265 New St.
The proposed development features a 7-storey retirement building consisting of approximately 132 suites; a mix of 114 one bedroom and 18 companion suites are proposed. The development will have a total Gross Floor Area of approximately 10,940 sq.m with a Floor Space Index of approximately 3.04. A total of approximately 1300 sq.m of landscaped area will be accommodated on the ground floor with a large courtyard that wraps the west and north ends of the building. Rooftop amenity space, including a green roof, is proposed on the 7th storey which face Cumberland Avenue, along with additional suites. Access is proposed from Cumberland and New Street. A total of 53 parking spaces are proposed which includes the 1 level of underground parking. The applicant will require amendments to the Official Plan and Zoning By-law to permit the proposed development.